Published on July 10, 2009 By Fat|Tony In Demigod Multiplayer

Buy a robust healing potion, and a minor mana pot, then use them at full. Congrats, you've now spent as much as you would for rank 4, without sacrificing usefulness, and are no longer cheating.

on Jul 10, 2009

30% healing from high priests is even better than bishops heals, so surely you would have to spend more than the price difference between high priests and bishops to make up for it

on Jul 10, 2009

er... they're swapped, if correct, bishops would heal 30% and you'd have to spend the money on bishops. So what i'm saying is, if you feel bad about saving 700g on your best heal (the reason for having priests) then just spend and waste that gold, and get High Priests. That way you get the 30% heal for the same amount of money. And if the slight mana difference bothers you, just heal yourself at full every time you summon them.


Basically i played with a Sedna who ragequit because I told him to get rank3 priests instead of 4. Then he told me it was cheating and i told him how dumb he was. Repeatedly. Not that he even had Healing Wave i realised later. /sighface

on Jul 10, 2009

the values are not swapped, following the logic of monks and priest, buffed high priests should heal 19%


Monk Minion / Priest Reinforcement

  • 200 health to non-demigods.
  • 300 health to non-demigods when buffed by Sedna.
  • 10% of max demigod health.
  • 15% of max demigod health when buffed by Sedna.

Priest Minion

  • 230 health to non-demigods.
  • 345 health to non-demigods when buffed by Sedna.
  • 12% of max demigod health.
  • 17% of max demigod health when buffed by Sedna.

High Priest Minion

  • 260 health to non-demigods.
  • 390 health to non-demigods when buffed by Sedna.
  • 13% of max demigod health.
  • 30% of max demigod health when buffed by Sedna (Yes, this is a bug and High Priests heal for more than Bishops when buffed by Sedna).

Bishop Minion

  • 290 health to non-demigods.
  • 435 health to non-demigods when buffed by Sedna.
  • 15% of max demigod health.
  • 22% of max demigod health when buffed by Sedna.
on Jul 10, 2009

oh. meh. cheat away then.



/when I came across this info it was said they were just swapped

//I retract my previous statements, it's an exploit.

on Jul 11, 2009

It's not an exploit, it's a bug and a well documented one... I first learned about it from Sedna build guides on this very forum, and it is additionally listed in some Demigod wikis.  It's been this way since before I started playing 5-6 weeks ago, and there have been several patches since... why it has not been fixed I can not understand.  However, until Stardock/GPG fix introduce what should be a simple fix, I will continue to take advantage of this situation when playing as Sedna - because even if I don't, the other guy certainly will.

on Jul 11, 2009
You can do that, but I'll have infinite mana
on Jul 11, 2009

Calling people degraded because they dislike exploiting is a bit weak dont you think?

Fact: The 30% healing is waaay out of proportions for all other priastly healing, buffed or otherwise. Also, Creep666 might actually be right in his assessment on how priest progression would normally look like, so meh..

You fail, OP. I always find it funny, when people try to generate excuses and/or win the public opinion for their kind of "cheating", so that they can do it without feeling like a looser in the process.

on Jul 11, 2009

Unfortunately, I will have to agree with mesa that until this gets fixed you might as well take advantage of it because the other team certainly will, and does. I find it very bothersome, however you can stop it from happening. Kill the damn high priests, it's not like they have more than 1.2k (?) hps anyway. Throw some aoe down, mass charm them, just auto attack them some, do something. A mass charm is particularly effective btw. Dunno what is so hard about fixing this either, although i didn't learn about it until 2 weeks ago. Also minion pathing in this game is atrocious, and they are slow, plus it has a cast time to make new ones, so use that to your advantage. Sedna is an assassin and a support demi, with barely any aoe to mention, so she will always be slightly underleveled and w/o kills will be undercashed.

on Jul 11, 2009

I have said it before. Part of the game is to find perfect gear combos for your character. Seek out the best possible gear combos and items and try to find every advantage you can to beat your enemy. Did you NOT buy HOL before the nerf because it was OP? If something is deemed OP or an exploit/error it will get changed and you will have to think of new strats/gear. If your the kind of person who would not use a specific item/tactic available to you because you think it might not be fair to your enemy ...maybe The SIMS is better suited for you. In fact, stop what your doing , turn off your computer and go next door to your elderly neighbors house - take out their garbage and paint their house you effing carebear.

on Jul 11, 2009

Obviously when the dev was writing those stats he pressed 3 instead of 2 on his keyboard and didnt notice. 15-17-20-22 sounds better right ?

on Jul 11, 2009

I said earlier. I was wrong. I was under the impression that it was swapped, I hadn't seen the breakdown of the other heals around it.


It's an exploit, obviously.



Still gonna happen.